Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Age and Gender Discrimination (Part IV)

These stories is not uncommon, there are plenty if you ask. I met a charming man once; we had a date at Fish Market. He was good company, but right after the date, he and his partner was send on a customer training trip offsite to Utah. His company was base south of San Francisco. I’m not sure how old his partner is but I think he is in his late 50’s. I was told that his schedule 2 weeks training and then come back. Instead the company refused to bring them back. Told them if they come back they are fired. The partner came back after a month and told me the story in an email and gentleman was not able to come back.

Here is a added note. An ex coworker mention he knows an engineer was send oversea on an assignment and the company refused to bring him back.

My cousin told me of this one about an engineer (a friend of his) working in Michigan that was told to relocate to Southeastern state and when he refused he was fired on the spot. He was not told if there wasn’t any option.

One of my early relationship was a Checker in he (German descend) had good relationship with his boss, but his boss admitted to him that he would not promote minorities. Even his other friends that are working as drafters (Filipinos and Vietnamese), which should be designer level and does good work, his boss would not promote them.

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