Thursday, April 22, 2010

Age and Gender Discrimination (Part II)

Sometime I wish I had the power to stop this, but I am near the bottom of the pecking order. The newer generation, maybe I shouldn’t say newer generation. I seen it my generation too, but they are ruder it seem. They are too much in a hurry to shove the older generation out. They already think they know everything. But that kind of thinking just repeats the mistake of the older generation. Everybody is too busy playing king in their domain that they fail sees the other person as a person. They see them as obstacles in their future plans. Sometime I see these young managers like the Queen in “Alice in Wonderland”. Anything get their way, “Off with their head”. Of course they are at age they are super human and invulnerable from others who might pull the carpet from under them too. My older sister was invited to an executive meeting oversea. She mentioned that everyone there in the meeting was under 40. Perhaps that is the trend we are following for cheaper cost products. From people that I had talked in the pass, age discrimination start at age 35 and when I was going to those network meeting, one of the counselor mention that a person goes through 7 career changes in their lifetime. Life is no longer friendly, we can no longer afford have a stay home mom anymore or large families. This keep escalating there would be so many short marriages. Finance is the #1 source for divorce. Corporate is not our side.

The other story about age discrimination is that in this story I am older and was in a start-up’s marketing department. There is no public relation writer in the group. I was 1 of 3 in a hiring team. The other 2 are in their early 30’s. We only had 2 that came in for interview. One was a young lady, barely out of college. She only had experiences organizing structure of manuals and not much writing or public writing. The other gentleman had plenty of years of writing and example to show. You would think this is a no brainier in whom to hire. What does the Marketing Communication manager do, she ask the receptionists what do she think. Her reply is that he is too old, because his hair is all white. A job should not depend on the color of the hair and that the excuse the Marketing Communication manager use. She did not hire anyone. Instead she contracted out the work. Our boss just backed her up even when I was against it. They never even mention his writing, their choices was all base on visual, that he is too old. He may not be old. I thought him as same age range as me. But they had mistaken me on the high 30’s.

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