Wednesday, December 4, 2013


 I had been distracted lately.  Give me a time and see if I can get myself on target again. These days it had been difficult to figure out the next trend. Especially, for me, since I was given medication that doesn't work too well. I am feeling better now.... and the valley energy seem to be changing for the better and starting to feel more like creating.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Looking for Balance

Looking for a balance in your life is hard. It is always best to get into a habit of exercising, at least 2 or 3 times a week. You probably feel better about yourself for just keeping it up plus it ward off depression. It’s a habit that needed to be kept most of your life, plus counting your blessing. Working in this Silicon Valley is like the juggler who is spinning and balancing a plate on top of stick. I had so many plates up I knew it would crash eventually. Being somewhat of a workaholic, the worst I did was working 86 hours a week and the 7th day I was on call. I thought I was bad; one of my friends was doing 120 hours a week and he sound like he is constantly sick. Corporate doesn’t see as people at time, when we are trying to balance work, classes, conferences, and family. We are just worker bee, if we get burnt out, we just get replace. Sometime the deadline is just unreasonable. After the came, there were mass laid off. I heard so many wailing about how they ended up with 2 or up to 5 people works on top of their own or salary cut. At the time I wondered who had it worst them who are buried with work or us who that got laid off. Those who are approaching their 40’s should workout. My cousin had mentioned few of his friends had die from heart attack and they were only in their 50’s. I know brother-in-law did in stop and go commute traffic. It seems menopause and hypertension goes hand in hand, it either stroke or heart attack. Now the baby boomer are at that age when everything hurts went done too often. Most athletes can feel those joints now. Time to be more cautious than before and it’s just not just secretary’s spread.